Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to thank you all for being here tonight...

...sometimes through the hustle of city life we all need to take a little down time and get out and clear your head.

Leave all your troubles behind and just go with the flow... old friend of mine just about worked himself into an early grave, always chasing the dollar, didn't know if he was working to live or living to work... day he said to me, man I don't feel too good, I said why don't you get yourself away for a few days, take off to the country and just slow down,

he said "time is money" I need to get the jobs done, I said sup to you brother but I know that I would do...

...a few days later I get a call from his wife saying he's gone and collapsed and was in the hospital with all kind of tubes going in and out of himself.

I rushed over to see him.

When I get there I got these crazy mixed feelings of anger, sympathy and regret...

...he looked up at me and smiled and said,

"I know, I know, don't bust my balls, I should have taken a step back"

I gave him a hug and a lecture......if something's bugging you walk away, if someones shittin' you walk away, don't take no crap that's gonna push you over the edge,

it'll always be there another can deal with it then...

We got through life with a whole heap of strife and a whole heap of joy always make sure the joy outweighs the crap...

we got ourselves the best time to be alive...

...we live in peaceful times my friends...make the best of it,

cos there are peaceful times.